Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Commercial square development goes on in face of objections
THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2012 - 21:29

FLASHBACK: The residents during their protest last October

AMPANG: The development of high density City Garden Commercial Square, formerly known as Ken City, continues despite continued objections from Taman Nirwana residents here.

According to spokespersons for developer Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd and the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council, all procedures had been followed.

The council's public relations officer, Norhayati Ahmad, said the public must submit official letters when requesting for copies of documents like approval letters and reports.

"They (Sri Seltra) have approval and have complied with the council's requests regarding the development of the supporting infrastructure," she said.

A representative from a nearby residents association claimed that the increased population density that would result from the development would lead to social problems, drainage issues and traffic congestion as the roads there were already narrow.

"Most of the residents do not agree with the development," said the representative, who asked not to be named.

He said that on a recent trip to Britain, he was impressed by the local councils which regulated highrise buildings in their areas.

"Here, if there is empty space, they erect a highrise building," he said.

The representative said the developer should limit the building to seven storeys.

"We can't ask them to stop. It is their land and they have already started," he said.

Tan Hua Meng, the council member for the area when the residents staged a protest against the project last October, said the residents' feedback should be prioritised.

He said he was only aware of the project after approval had been given and only learned of the issue when the residents objected. "It was my jurisdiction, but I was not informed."

Tan said it was not proper to approve developments before consulting residents who would have to deal with the consequences later.

He said there was further risk for the buyers as Sri Seltra was also linked to the nearby D'pines project which, he claimed, had not progressed much over a year.

A Sri Seltra spokesman, rebutted the claim, saying the project had sold 70 per cent of its units and construction was still underway.

D'pines comprises 552 units of condominiums while City Garden has 100 service apartments and 90 office units - The Malay Mail.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Drug Mall. 100% Pure Pharmacy.

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